This service is for people with thin eyebrows looking for what some consider to be a semi-permanent fill, microblading might be an option. Here is what you need to know about this new trend.
The term “microblading” has been around for a few years and celebrities have recently caught on, including Madonna.
Microblading is a cosmetic tattooing procedure that fills in thin eyebrow areas to make them look fuller. Unlike a traditional tattoo, which is permanent, this is an updated semi-permanent makeup technique for enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows. The coloring from microblading may last for up to 3 years. This is because microblading uses different tools and a smaller amount of pigment. While it's a similar process to getting a tattoo, the ink that is used is far less concentrated than that of a regular tattoo and is specifically formulated for the microblading process.
Fast facts on microblading:
The process involves using a hand-held microblade tool with needles.
Microblading involves breaking into the skin, and infections are possible if untrained people practice under unhygienic conditions.
The success of the microblading procedure will depend on the person performing it.
On the day of the procedure, it is important to sit down and voice any questions or concerns you may have. I will explain the procedure and the options, including style and color, and make recommendations if needed. For the best natural-looking brow, it is best to follow the direction of the natural brow hairs. We will also go over the different options pigments of the ink, which is chosen based off of the natural color of the brow hairs and your skin's undertone.
Before the procedure starts, I will use a topical numbing ointment on the brow area, which helps reduce discomfort during the microblading procedure. The client may feel a scraping-type of sensation in the brow area, but the process is usually only minimally painful and very tolerable.
The process is very detailed and can take up to 2 hours.
It is possible that the color will fade after a few weeks and a touch-up may be needed. Before you leave we will set you up for this session in 4-6 weeks.
The DO NOTS before your session
Discontinuing vitamin A (Retinol) and Botox treatments for at least 1 month beforehand.
Avoid alcohol 48 hours before session
Avoid more then 6 oz of coffee day of session
Stopping taking fish oil or any other natural blood thinners, such as vitamin E, at least 1 week before the procedure.
Avoiding aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (as these types of medications are blood thinners).
Tinting brows before the appointment.
No tanning or sunbathing for 3 days before the appointment.
No waxing or plucking eyebrows within 2 days beforehand. If needed wax 4 days before your session.
No chemical peels and other intense facial treatments for at least 2 to 3 weeks before the procedure.
Once the skin has healed, a person can protect their eyebrows and help prevent the color from fading by applying sunscreen on the microbladed area. This is 7-14 days. Aged skin may take up to 24 days.
Microblading can last anywhere from one to three years, depending on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, and the products that you use. However, touch-ups are commonly needed about once a year, especially for those with oily skin, as the ink tends to fade and blur faster.
